"Divine & Deserving" tgnc2spirit
2021 healing clinic
Registration for the Divine & Deserving Online Clinic is open! Click HERE to schedule your healing session
The HCC is excited to announce our first TGNC2S Healing Clinic - "Divine & Deserving"! It’s been a long time coming & we’re now on the move! We have a great organizing committee of old & new Network members who are lovingly creating this special space for our beloved TGNC2S community members locally as well as online.
For the first time, due to pandemic social distancing, we will be incorporating an online portion to this clinic!
★ The In-person Clinic will be held on Sunday, October 17, 2021 at Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center in East Oakland. Please read about the COVID-19 Protocols that we will be practicing HERE
★ The Online Clinic will be on Sunday, October 24, 2021 ⤵
⭐ ONLINE REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Book Group sessions & Individual Appts at our Online Divine & Deserving Healing Clinic ⭐
Our Trans/GNC/2Spirit fam have always been on the forefront of revolutionary change & are often not recognized/honored. Instead, many are being killed due to a colonized mindset that perpetuates fear & hate. According to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), there were 44 homicides in the US alone, of transgender and gender-nonconforming persons in 2020 — the highest such number since HRC began tracking anti-trans violence. This has a great impact on the mental, physical & spiritual health of our community. Together we must care for our hearts, minds, bodies & spirits so that we can do the inner & outer work necessary to make it through these times & create the changes we need to make for a better world, a safe world, a world where GNC/2Spirit Fam are once again honored members and medicine carriers of the larger community.
This quote by Hāwane Rios , expresses much of the intentions we hold for this clinic. “It is my hope that we will continue to create a world where the next generation will not question their worth or have to fight for the right to love the way they choose to. I hope we create a world where māhū love is as natural and celebrated as the calm is after the storms. We deserve to be proud. We deserve to be free”
With this clinic we hold this hope in our hearts & offer it up to the river of life, trusting that it will ripple out & contribute toward the collective efforts of healing & reclamation of our rightful & honorable place in the circle.
For the first time, due to pandemic social distancing, we will be incorporating an online portion to this clinic!
★ The In-person Clinic will be held on Sunday, October 17, 2021 at Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center in East Oakland. Please read about the COVID-19 Protocols that we will be practicing HERE
★ The Online Clinic will be on Sunday, October 24, 2021 ⤵
⭐ ONLINE REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Book Group sessions & Individual Appts at our Online Divine & Deserving Healing Clinic ⭐
Our Trans/GNC/2Spirit fam have always been on the forefront of revolutionary change & are often not recognized/honored. Instead, many are being killed due to a colonized mindset that perpetuates fear & hate. According to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), there were 44 homicides in the US alone, of transgender and gender-nonconforming persons in 2020 — the highest such number since HRC began tracking anti-trans violence. This has a great impact on the mental, physical & spiritual health of our community. Together we must care for our hearts, minds, bodies & spirits so that we can do the inner & outer work necessary to make it through these times & create the changes we need to make for a better world, a safe world, a world where GNC/2Spirit Fam are once again honored members and medicine carriers of the larger community.
This quote by Hāwane Rios , expresses much of the intentions we hold for this clinic. “It is my hope that we will continue to create a world where the next generation will not question their worth or have to fight for the right to love the way they choose to. I hope we create a world where māhū love is as natural and celebrated as the calm is after the storms. We deserve to be proud. We deserve to be free”
With this clinic we hold this hope in our hearts & offer it up to the river of life, trusting that it will ripple out & contribute toward the collective efforts of healing & reclamation of our rightful & honorable place in the circle.

We are seeking Queer/Trans/GNC/2 Spirit-identified folks to support this clinic as operational volunteers! If you are interested in being a part of this groundbreaking clinic, please contact the following Org Committee members:
📋 To sign up as an Operational Volunteer, please contact Robbie Clark at: [email protected]
📋 Wellness Practitioner/Healer sign-up has closed. If you are interested in participating in a future clinic, please contact Carla M. Pérez at: carlamaria.[email protected]
Ways to contribute
- Sign up as an Operational Volunteer if you identify as Trans, GNC, 2 Spirit or Queer
- Financial donations (we need them!): http://www.healingcliniccollective.net/donate.html
- Food donations for the In-person clinic:
- Stew makers! We have a tradition of our community & Network members making warm nourishing meals for practitioners and volunteers. If you are interested in doing this for the clinic, let us know! *Assistance with food costs available.
- Snacks for Practitioner/Volunteer lounge and waiting areas - if you have connections with folks who work for food stores/restaurants who want to donate to this clinic
- Donations from local Food Justice farms - do you have a relationship with any of the following local food justice farms? Help us receive a donation of produce and herbs for the clinic from our food justice comrades!
- Occupy the Farm / UC Gil Tract
- Phat Beets
- Black Earths Farms
- Planting Justice
- Urban Tilth
- Acta Non Verba Youth Farm