ABOUT The Healing Clinic
The HCC is excited to announce our in-person Healing Clinic "Tending Our Ancestral Wounds"! This year's clinic is intended to acknowledge and tend the wounds of colonial trauma passed in our DNA from our Ancestors, and compacted in our current experiences.
We know we are not meant to heal these wounds alone and offer this healing through the medicine of collective care. We offer these prayers to the creeks, rivers, oceans, waters of life, trusting that it will ripple out & contribute toward the collective healing of our ancestors.
At the clinic, attendees can receive no-cost healing modalities, such as massage therapy, energy healing, herbal medicine consultations, grief counseling, and more!
Date/ Location:
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center in East Oakland
7701 Krause Ave, Oakland, CA 94605
Free. Register day of, in-person. First come, first served basis.
Who Is This For?
Folks ready to tend to some ancestral wounds, open to being held in sacred space.
Meet Our Organizing Committee
We have a great organizing committee of old & new Network members who are lovingly creating this special healing space. The organizing committee extends this invitation to attend the Healing Clinic and hopes to see you there to rest and renew your hearts!
Meet our Organizing Committee
There is free parking all day around the Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center, but there is also a parking lot you can use. If you have anything that you can’t walk with, please feel free to pull up to the entrance to bring your things into the space, and then go find parking.
The parking lot can be accessed both from Krause Ave. and 79th Ave.
Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center in East Oakland
7701 Krause Ave, Oakland, CA 94605
Access INfo
- Masks required indoors
- Wheelchair accessible building with no steps
- Sturdy, armless chairs options available
- Low scent (only natural herbal medicine will be burned or used, all medicine burning will happen outdoors)
- Sound medicine rattles, bells and drums may be used in the space
Covid Protocol
“Tending our Ancestral Wounds” is our second in-person Healing Clinic during the pandemic. As a part of our collective commitment to our health and wellness, we are requiring that all practitioners and operational volunteers observe the following protocols:
- Test for COVID-19 two days prior to the clinic, and the morning of the healing clinic (Oct 6)
- Stay home if you know you are positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last week
- Stay home if you have experienced the following symptoms in the last week: Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, or Diarrhea
Note on indoor spaces & covid protocol for attendees:
- All indoor spaces will be ventilated with air filtration systems
- Masks will be required indoors (optional outdoors)
- Operational volunteers will be disinfecting surfaces on a regular basis throughout the day
Ways to contribute
- Sign up as an Operational Volunteer
- For those of you interested in volunteering for our 2024 Fall Clinic, please fill in your name and details on our 2024 Operational Volunteer Roster.
- If you know someone else who is interested in being an HCC volunteer at this clinic, please ask them to submit a short HCC Volunteer google form, and then they can sign up in the Volunteer Roster!
- If you have any additional questions, reach out to the Volunteer Point Person, Carla Pérez at: [email protected]
- Financial Donations are welcome (we need them!): Donate Here
- Item donations for the October clinic:
- 3-4 Standing Room Dividers
- 4-5 Strong armless folding chairs
- Sturdy plastic storage containers
- Shade structure canopies 8x8 and 10x10
- Food donations for the clinic:
- Stew makers! We have a tradition of our community & Network members making warm nourishing meals for practitioners and volunteers. If you are interested in doing this for the clinic, let us know! *Assistance with food costs available.
- Snacks for Practitioner/Volunteer lounge and waiting areas - if you have connections with folks who work for food stores/restaurants who want to donate to this clinic
- Donations from local Food Justice farms - do you have a relationship with any of the following local food justice farms? Help us receive a donation of produce and herbs for the clinic from our food justice comrades!
- Occupy the Farm / UC Gil Tract
- Phat Beets
- Black Earths Farms
- Planting Justice
- Urban Tilth
- Acta Non Verba Youth Farm
If you have any questions, reach out to our Clinic Organizer and Programs Coordinator, Samantha Garcia at: [email protected]